Conversation to keep #2

It is amazing when you have a toddler who loves to talk. You can see how much he grows and how matured and how concern he can be. Some of the conversation that I think I must keep;

Khalil: Mommy, mommy nangis ke?
Mommy: Tak la sayang
Khalil: Sape buat mommy? Tokbah ke?
Mommy: Takla. :)
Khalil: Mommy jangan nangis tau. Nanti.. nanti...nanti mommy sedih
Mommy: Okay, I wont. Love you

On other day, when I was with my phone

Khalil: Mommy! Mommy.. Mommy!
Mommy: Yes sayang. Apa dia?
Khalil: Jangan la tengok handphone. Tgkla Khalil.
Mommy: Ok (Immediately put down the phone)

Gosh.. besar cepat sangat budak ni.
