Conversation to keep


I have a son who quite a chatty. Some people advice, you only need to spend about 1 or 2 hours quality time with your kids. It should be enough. So that what they said. But not for my son. He wants us to listen, to play with him and spend time with him all the time. That's why I can't bring back my work. If I even bring back the work, it is almost impossible to do it especially he sleeps late. Any advice how to make him sleep earlier? Duh

So, here I would like to keep some of conversation which I need to record it in case I lost in space. lols

Tuesday (4/10/2016)

Mommy: Khalil, tadi mommy pergi jumpa doktor.
Khalil: Mommy jumpa doktor? Baby sihat tak?
(I was surprised with his question, a 2 years old boy asking me this? How thoughtful!)
Mommy: Sihat sayang.
Khalil: Doktor cakap apa? (Seriously?)
Mommy: Doktor cakap baby ok sayang. Dia main-main dlm perut.
Khalil: Otei.

On another conversation.

Mommy: Khalil, nanti mommy nak beli mainan matematik utk khalil.
Khalil: takyah beli mainan matematik, mahal tu.
Khalil: nanti mommy beli tembak besar eh utk khalil?
Mommy: Khalil nak tembak siapa?
Khalil: Tembak papa!

Khalil, I'm maybe garang. But I love you.
